If You Don’t Learn This, You Will Be Defeated For the Rest of Your Life: Lessons You Can Learn From Failure, Part 1
The anxiety caused by the fear of failure is something that many people struggle with. In a survey done a few years ago; 90% of CEO’s “Admit fear of failure keeps them up at night more than any other concern.”
Here are three key character developing principles that you can learn from failure that will help you overcome the anxiety of failure. And I believe that overcoming this is critical to your success in life.
One of the Greatest Mistakes You Can Ever Make In Life: (Hint: It has nothing to do with who you marry)
Doctors have even found that people with purpose in their lives are less prone to disease… When you discover your purpose in life and decide to fulfill it, that’s when you unlock your potential as a true leader. But if you don’t take the time to actively discover your gifts and your purpose in life, you will never reach your full potential.