The Mondrian Effect Art Collection

By Hans Fleurimont

The Mondrian Effect Collection is a series of artworks that are inspired from the paintings of the famous artist, Peit Mondrian. These stunning pieces of digital art were created as a freestyle project experimenting with quadrilateral shapes and color theory. Hans chose to use rectangles and squares as a starting element and then he incorporated a special skill he calls “The Grid Reflection Technique” to create the patterns. It’s a technique He learned and has developed over the years as an illustrator and graphic artist. Hans’ initial idea came from the thought of continuing the experiment that Peit Mondrian started by using color and geometry to study the relationships between both. He then incorporated themes from the Bible, history, graphic design, and current events. This project highlights the fascination that Peit Mondrian had in impressionism, cubism, abstract, and modern art. It also shows the creativity, values and personality of Hans as a person and as an art enthusiast.